Week 2: Silverdale Baptist, Fellowship Bible Church, Broadriver Association, Northwest Bible Church, Wylie Baptist Church, FBC Damascus, Central Baptist, & Forest Hills Baptist



This week, Whittier had the blessing of having Fellowship Bible Church from Tennessee. We couldn’t have asked for a more joy-filled week. On Friday, we had a high of 47 kids come to Bible Club. This week, the kids were able to play water games every day at games to cool off from the heat. They played sharks and minnows with wet sponges and under relays. In Bible story, the kids were taught 4 different truths that they remembered over the week. They were also told bible stories, such as Peter walking on water. Over at songs, the younger ones played hot potato, the older girls played Sally Walker and the older boys did a bible boot camp. Finally, the kids had an amazing time doing a scavenger hunt and putting their findings in their own boxes for crafts. They were able to color their box and put stickers on it. Alongside that, the kids got a little mirror to remind themselves that they are made beautifully and perfectly in God’s image. Fellowship Bible cared for and loved the kids so well all week. It was beautiful to hear stories of how individuals connected with the kids and saw God’s powerful hand working all week. We serve the most intentional and loving God, who deserves all the glory. We thank you Fellowship Bible for bringing the love of Jesus to Memphis this week!!

Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving”.

- Jo & Wes


What an amazing second week of Bible Club! It was warm. It was hot. And club was on fire with the love of Christ! We had Silverdale in town this week, and they never failed to bring the fun and hype to Bible Club each day. We saw our kid numbers in the usual mid-twenties most of the week, but we had our summer high on Friday Fun Day with 37 kiddos! Each day showed lots of love and fun and energy and ended with lots of kids who didn’t want to leave club. At Bible story station, the kids learned different biblical life lessons such as taking care of your body as God's temple, what it means to choose to make good decisions and how it pleases God, and about putting good thoughts and actions and words in our minds and hearts so we can be able to show those same good things to others. At Songs station, the kids loved being able to not only sing music but make it. The team brought homemade guitars, drums, and maracas to accompany the songs they sang. It was truly a rockin' time at Songs. Gamess station got to see some classics like Duck–Duck goose and soccer but also enjoyed learning Capture the Flag. It was such a great week at Johnson, and a huge shoutout to Silverdale. Thank you so much for loving those kids and serving this week! 

- Kameron


Welcome back to Week 2 of Street Reach Leahy's 2024! And what a wonderful week we have had with Wylie Baptist Church. Watching the willingness of Wylie's missionaries to witness to the children - walking them through the Roman Road to Salvation - was such a blessing to behold. Anyone could clearly see the kindness and care put forward for the kids. It was evidenced by cool crafts like flycatchers, calendars, and light switch covers. It shined through the songs they sang. It was apparent in the games they planned to play, like pool noodle tag! It was obvious that great time and effort were put forth in the planning processes to serve the Lord with their utmost. And for that, I give thanks both to Wylie Baptist and God! I am reminded of Colossians 3:23: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord." And clearly, God has rewarded that work with 19 children with which to witness for His name's sake. My favorite part of the week was seeing the children listen and learn how God carries us through the good times and the bad, the easy and difficult moments. The questions the kids were asking. The intentionality with which they were being answered. What a way to end week 2! Continue praying for the Bible Club Leahy's and God's children here, and I'll see you next week. 

- Mackenzie & Judy


What a great second week at Jackson! Big thank you to FBC Damascus for making the trek all the way from Virginia to serve with us this week in Memphis. Damascus was so well prepared; they brought it if you could think of it. This week was so awesome. The community kids had a great time. They loved the puppets acting out the Bible stories, including Moses and the fiery altar, Jesus calming the storm, and Jesus’ resurrection. The crafts station was also well coordinated, with great foam floating boats to calm the storm, some whales with opening mouths, and Jonah inside. The songs station was lively, with real guitars, a cajon drum, and fun sing-along songs. The kiddos love instruments, and they even get the opportunity to strum along with the guitars and tap along on the drum. The community kids and everyone loved the “throw up” song when we threw our hands to the Lord. It was awesome to hear everyone singing it as they walked through the streets, taking the kids back home after club. It was an amazing week; we had a high of 30 kids this week, which is a testament to how fun club was! All the kids invited their siblings, friends, and cousins to come and join us at Bible Club. We should all follow this example and spread the good news to everyone! Thanks again to our friends from FBC Damascus for a great week at Jackson!

-Ben, Brooklyn, and Reggie


The excitement was amazing as we kicked off the second week of Bible Club this summer! The kids were ready to come back, learn about Jesus, and have loads of fun. A heartfelt shoutout to everyone from Forest Hill Baptist Church for making the journey all the way from Nashville. We deeply appreciate your dedication and love for the children of National. This week, we welcomed 21 new kids and can’t wait to see even more join us in the coming weeks. The children had a blast with the songs this week; they played games like Poison Rhythm, Musical Hula Hoops, and Hot Potato! However, they especially loved that there was a live guitarist! The kids played games like capture the flag, kickball, and soccer in the games station! The kids had the best time ever, especially the older boys! Every time you pass the games station, there is always fun and laughter! Crafts and Bible Story complemented each other beautifully. The stories each day were about how we sin and how God saved us, and the crafts matched the stories day by day. The kids loved the crafts and Bible stories! Overall, they loved it all! One of the best parts had to be lunch! Every day this week, we would chant, “We love Jesus, yes we do, we love Jesus, how about you?” And the kids at other stations would join in! The kids had a blast, and so did the team!

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 NIV

 - Kelsey & Olivia 


Happy Street Reach Summer 2024! Week 2 of Bible Club is extra special as Club Kado opens for the first time this season. Not even a full year old, our humble club site kicked off in a big way thanks to God and His wonderful workers from Silverdale Baptist Church. "The harvest is plentiful" Jesus knew what He was talking about when He said these words, as evidenced by the 18 individual children who made their way over to Club Kado. If not for the obedience of the missionaries from Silverdale and their willingness to answer God's call here to Memphis, then our club would not have been open, and these children would not have learned about Jesus and His love this week. That is why Jesus continues with " but the workers are few." The workers were NOT few this week! Despite language barriers, not being open last week, and having a new site still less than a year old, the mission team diligently devoted themselves to following Christ into the streets and loving everyone they could meet. Praying with the elderly on walking routes, bringing snacks to children who could not leave home, and communicating through Google translate with parents who spoke español solamente. Seeing the Lord reward such faithfulness and answer prayers was a blessing by sending an average of 10 children each day, with a high of 16 at once on Friday! However, what is more powerful than numbers is the moments that are shared with each child. I loved seeing God's people and His children sit down together to play the drums, make salvation bracelets, discuss "What Would Jesus Do" in many situations, and learn to fill our lives with Good things from God. Thank you, LORD, for the many smiles and memories made at Club Kado this week! And special thanks to the team from Silverdale for an excellent foundation for our Summer of Bible Club. Kado will NOT be running next week, so pray for these children. And, of course, "ask the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into His harvest field." Signing off. And in case I don't see you, good morning, good evening, and good night.

- Kaden 


P-O-P-E! THAT IS WHERE WE WANNA BE!! We had Silverdale Baptist Church join us at club this week, and they showed up and out this week at Pope! With a high of 27 kids this week, they loved our kids so well with kindness, intentionality, and encouragement. This week, the music station was a fan favorite, especially with our older boys. They made homemade instruments each day and could play them along to the music! They made maracas out of spoons, guitars out of tissue boxes, tambourines out of bowls, drums out of containers, and more! The week's song was “Bless Me” by Maverick City, which will be on repeat for the rest of the summer! At games, the kids learned how to play UNO, which has become their favorite game to play together. It is so sweet to see all the kids learning to be a kind team member and work with others when playing games! Bible story held the attention of all of the kids this week! Each day, they had a key theme: kindness and “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” The kids had so many good questions by the end of the week! I cannot wait to see how their seeds grow throughout the summer! Silverdale also had an awesome craft station! They made lightbulb handprints that included glow sticks, handmade binoculars, WWJD bracelets, and so much more! Thank you so much for investing in our kids and loving them so well! After the best first two weeks, we cannot wait to see what week three (and the rest of the summer) has in store!

- Emma and Gracie


Broadriver Association and Central were hanging out on G-Street with all the cool kids! The kids loved the fun relays our awesome games station put on, and they even got to cool off with some spray bottle games. We had a high of seventeen kiddos this week at Guernsey, and they were each loved so well this week. At Bible Story, the kids learned about temptation and how to avoid it. They also learned how dearly loved they are by God, and the team members did a phenomenal job modeling that love for them this week. They even made cheerleader megaphones at crafts to do a chant, “SATAN STINKS,” which the kids got a huge kick out of. We had an epic song leader who did all the best Bible club songs ever, such as little red wagon, Tarzan, Jesus Loves Me, Sticky Moose, and Happy Birthday (we had a couple of kiddos who had birthdays this week along with a leader!), and Lilly of the Valley. Our crafts station also did quite a phenomenal job, allowing the kids to express their artistic capabilities through door hangers, megaphones, little wooden crosses, and many felt color sheets. The kids absolutely loved that the games station had bubble machines, hula hoops, challenging relays, and their favorite, connect 4. The team members meticulously taught the kiddos to play Connect 4, which they absolutely loved this week. Broadriver and Central Baptist did an astounding job this week at Guernsey, and we are very thankful for their preparation and dedication to our amazing kiddos. 

- Ella & Ailey

Street Reach Ministries Copyright 2022 

3275 Rosamond Ave., Memphis, TN 38122 (o) 901.324. 3022 (f) 901.327.0986