Week 6: Prattville FMC, FBC Wentzville, FBC Trussville, West Springs Church, Calvary Baptist, Wamego, Cedar Valley Baptist, Crosspointe Church, Grace Church of Ovilla, & The Cross Church



Week Six!! This week was a great week over in Guernsey! Calvary Baptist created a great environment for the kids and had very engaged stations. We just want to thank you so much for caring and loving our kids! You are really making a huge impact on these kids' lives! This week's team has been coming for a few years, so they were very glad to continue furthering their relationships with the kids. The most kids we had this week was 24, which is such a blessing to get to spread the gospel with each and every one of them! During songs station, the kids played with buckets, using them as drums. Some of the Bible stories covered this week were about mercy and forgiveness. To keep the kids engaged, they would ask questions, read a Bible verse together, and pray. Some of the crafts the kids made were kindness coupons, world magnets, and waterless snow globes. At games, they played things like kickball, baseball, relay races, and throwing balls through a tarp with holes in it. It was great to hear the kids' laughter throughout club and see their beautiful smiles each day! Thank you again Calvary Baptist for running a great club this week and showing love to not just our kids but yours at Guernsey! Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” 

- Ailey & Annie

Well Station

Wow! What an awesome week! A new Bible club was started next door to the Wells Station Elementary School! Big thanks to The Cross for starting out this Bible club right. Such a blessing for Street Reach to be able to expand and grow into a brand-new community. The Cross was tons of fun as always, they brought the energy and the community responded. We had great interactions with community members and kiddos alike. Even the people in the area who didn’t have kids still loved to hear about the new Bible club; some even brought out popsicles to share with all the Bible club kids and church team members. Started out strong with 9 kids on Monday, and finished the week with 19 kids on Friday! They all had a blast, many of them even had so much fun they told their friends. The Bible lessons ranged from creation to Jesus’s death on the cross and finished the week with Saul’s transformation to Paul. From persecutor to a faithful follower of Christ, showing the kids that we become a new person once we accept Jesus into our hearts. The crafts included sun visors and masks to show how we are made new. Songs and games had the kids rolling with laughter and smiling ear to ear! Such a great week; thank y’all from the bottom of our hearts.



Hello everyone and welcome back to the bestest, craziest, and awesomest Bible Club ever! Club Johnson! We were back out this week with some amazing weather loving on all your favorite kids and sharing the love of Jesus. And who was here putting on an awesome club? Why, none other than First Baptist Trussville! FBC Trussville did such a great job continuing to water those seeds that have been growing all summer long. We had over 30 kids 4 out of the 5 days this week and we tied our summer high of 38 on Thursday! The kids loved learning about Joseph's story from the Old Testament. From his coat of many beautiful colors to being put in jail and even to his interpretation of dreams. While learning the story, the kids got to have their craft in hand to be an illustration of the story for that specific day. Whether it was a torch one day or one of the amazing coloring pages, everything tied together, where the kids were able to tell all of us back different parts of the story. And it was so awesome. One awesome moment at Bible Story this week was watching a team member talk with one of our older boys about Jesus and answering some good questions about salvation and what it means to really follow Jesus. And that's what it's all about. All the games and crafts and songs. All to see a child's face light up when he hears about Jesus. Thank you so much, FBC Trussville, for answering the call and coming to serve on the frontlines for the kids. 


What an amazing week six here at bible club Jackson. We had such a fun time with FBC Trussville. Each day at bible story we walked through the story of Joseph as some of our own bible club kids acted them out. To finish off the week, we learned of heroes of the faith and what they have done for the Lord just as how the Lord is working through us today. At craft, we made fun Olympic-themed crafts. We created torches to start off the week and were able to make it gold medals. Songs we danced our hearts to “Praise the Lord,” a song made by Trussvile themselves, and balanced on paper plates when the floor turned lava. At games, we practiced listening with Simon Says and had classic fun with duck, duck, goose, and intense soccer matches with the boys. It was amazing to see the passion that Trussville has for every kid, whether they come to the club today or not or if the sun is beating down on our backs. Through their help, we were able to be the hands and feet of Jesus and love these kids so passionately. 

-Brooklynn & Reggie


Hallelujah! Praise be to the Lord! Treadwell is back and better than ever! We had such an amazing week being back at Bible club Treadwell this week with Crosspointe Church from Alabama. This team did a wonderful job rekindling the momentum of a Bible club that hasn’t had the opportunity to run often. They found new kids EVERY DAY! We even set a record of 36 kids at Bible club. The kids had fun playing with 9-square, parachutes, dodgeball, and soccer. They made some super fun crafts, including salvation bracelets, pencil pouches, rocks, slime, and they even got to decorate their very own caps, bucket hats, and bows! The kids loved having new and old friends, and the team did an amazing job building relationships with these kids to keep them coming back every day.  The kids learned about God’s promises, salvation, His resurrection, and how to confess our sins. Our older boy group has been asking really deep and intentional questions about Jesus and what a relationship with Him looks like. We are praying for continual spiritual growth for all of our kids, especially those who are right on the cusp of possibly accepting Jesus. We also pray for these kids as their school year gets closer. In the midst of chaos and alternative influences they would be the light and stand firm on the lessons they’ve learned at Bible club. As always, Treadwell, I love you, God loves you, and there is nothing you can do to change those first two.



Week 6 at Kendrick with Wamego was a blast and the team brought so much energy to the kids to have fun. The kids at Kendrick had an awesome time, no doubt, and God used Wamego as His hands and feet this week. Seeing the kids' faces as they had fun and engaged in the games and activities was such a blessing. Especially at songs, with the addition of a guitar, chalk, and a speaker with silly songs on it, the songs presented to the kids were awesome and Christ-centered. Not to mention the awesome leadership and humility at Bible story that engaged the kids with the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus walking on water, and all of His miracles; I am glad that the kids got to hear and listen to these stories and also got to watch a puppet show that made the kids laugh wholeheartedly. As well as the crafts that aligned with some of the stories, like bread and fish bracelets, noodle crowns, and coloring sheets; out of all these, you can't forget the fun games where they brought jump ropes, parachutes, and the classic duck, duck, goose, and sharks and minnows. It has been such an honor to serve alongside Wamego, and am looking forward to these two final weeks as we start to wrap up the summer. Please keep all of the Memphis city children in your prayers as school is starting back up, and Bible Club is coming to an end. We are so blessed and grateful to be able to minister this way.



Welcome back to Street Reach Bible Club Kado! After a short holiday break, we have returned for week 6 of our summer! Huge thanks to the missionaries from Cedar Valley Baptist for restarting our club with might and Spirit. An average of 18 kids came to club each day to hear about God, make music with percussion instruments, and make TWO crafts each day! I even learned a new favorite game, I think it's called "through the ball at the leaders!" Hahaha. With a few geometric-shaped holes cut into a tarp and a brave missionary bobbing their head from opening to opening, the children got to hurl foam projectiles in an attempt to gain points by hitting said brave leader. But with a few minutes to spare, the roles reversed! Kids shouted and cheered as they tainted the leaders who gently tossed the foam balls towards the children who easily dodged and laughed and smiled. It was probably the most laughter I've heard all at once coming from our Bible Club, and I firmly believe it was a pleasing sound to our Lord God. But I think my favorite moment was listening to two of our older girls not only describe exactly what each color on the salvation bracelet represents but also what it means for a new believer. God is allowing truth to settle and find a home in the minds of these children. Pray that it finds a home in their hearts as well. Again, thank you so much to Cedar Valley Baptist and the incredible love you have shared with kids at Kado this week. And thanks be to God for his love and works of salvation. See you next week!



What a week we had with the Cross Church at CITI camp! They had the opportunity to provide Bible Club to the kids at CITI camp for the first time! The kids had a blast playing games such as knock-out, four square, Gaga ball, table tennis, bowling, and, of course, freeze tag! Residents of RITI came out to watch as the laughter rang out across the facility! The kids listened so intently at Bible story where they learned the stories of David and Goliath, the Last Supper, Saul’s encounter with God on the road to Damascus, and more! At crafts, their creative sides excelled when they made slingshots, masks, bracelets, crosses, and more! Of course, the team won the hearts of all the kids by bringing the best snacks and being so intentional with each kiddo (And also by playing hot potato freeze dance four hundred million times!)! I cannot thank the Cross Church enough for their willingness to serve this week and love on the kids of CITI camp! It truly was an incredible week full of the Lord’s unfailing love and joy like no other! 



Prattville FMC had a blast at Pope this week. The kids absolutely loved the fun this team had with them, and I think the bubble machine was a major hit. The Prattville team acted out their Bible stories and did a phenomenal reenactment of the wall of Jericho falling down, Daniel and the lions' den, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and the resurrection. Prattville FMC did some really fun crafts with the kids that included megaphones, paper plate lions,  binoculars, and the stone being moved away from the tomb. This team also had a wonderful songs station full of fun choreography to the kids' favorite songs, hot potato, and even a parachute. Their songs station also had a bubble machine, which made the kids so excited to be there. They had lots of fun at the games station, and Prattville FMC introduced the kids to the bowling game.

Along with lots of other fun games, they got to be taught how to bowl. The kids absolutely loved bowling with the team members, and they requested that every day after. Not only was Prattville amazing with the Pope kids, but they also were amazing with interacting with the community. They met so many people and told them all about what we do. They invited a ton of people to church by passing out flyers to the community, and they always found a way to serve those around them willingly. 

-Gracie & Ella


It was truly an unforgettable week serving alongside West Springs Church! They brought all the energy, smiles, laughs, and fun! The highest number of kids we had this week was nineteen on Wednesday! The kids learned about the birth of Jesus, the importance of baptism, Christ dying on the cross for our sins and being risen from the dead, the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and how Jesus heals us. One bible verse the kids learned was Psalm 107:1, “Give thanks to the Lord because He is good and His mercy lasts forever.” Our kids loved the crafts all week long and ensured they added all the details! They made med kits with bible verses and band-aids, bracelets, dream catchers, a wheel that, when you spin it shows you to the life of Jesus, and wind streamers!! Over at Songs station, they played music while teaching the kids card games, hot potato, and having a dance party! The game station brought all the fun, sweat, and laughs this week! They played parachute games, dodgeball, relay races, and water games! We are so thankful for West Springs taking a week out of their summer to come to serve with us at Leahy’s! We ended the week with an epic water balloon fight, and the kids left smiling and laughing! I cannot wait to see what the Lord does next week!

- Mackenzie & Judy

Street Reach Ministries Copyright 2022 

3275 Rosamond Ave., Memphis, TN 38122 (o) 901.324. 3022 (f) 901.327.0986