Week 3: FBC Malakoff, Pleasant View Church, Indianola Community Church, & Cornerstone Baptist



Hello everyone! This is Kameron reporting from another amazing week at Bible Club Johnson. Week 3 saw it all. From 9 Square, Sharks and Minnows, and Duck Duck Goose at games to Pizza Man and ridin in little red wagons at Songs. If there was fun to be had, it was at Johnson! And it was Cornerstone church who was bringing all the fun. The team did a great job loving the kids and sharing the love of Christ. We had no less than 23 kids the whole week, and we saw our summer high of 38 kids on Wednesday. All across the club, there were smiles to be seen and laughs to be heard. At the Bible story station, the kids got to see a different skit acted out each day. They loved watching the team act funny and silly but, at the same time, listening intently to the message being told. From David and Goliath one day. Jesus’s miracles the next day. One day, the kids saw the crucifixion and resurrection. And even the plagues of Egypt! And crafts matched the stories. The kids got to make some frogs one day, a slingshot just like David had (no rocks though! Can’t break that Bible club rule!), and a stained glass window from different colored papers. Even though the week flew by, the team made sure every second counted and every kid knew he or she was loved. Thank you so much, Cornerstone, for a wonderful Bible club. 

- Kameron


Let’s go! Jackson! Week three has come and gone with great success at Bible Club Jackson!  We had a weekly high of 26 kids on Tuesday this week. Thank you to Indianola Community Church for joining us in serving the Memphis community. Amazingly, they brought almost 80 people and ran four Bible clubs! The kids learned from the interactive Bible stories about Jesus calming the storm,  Mary and Martha, and about Jesus, the true hidden treasure. We also had some pretty neat crafts, including treasure maps and decorating stars. Songs played freeze dance, Little Sally Walker, and the older boys even learned the church clap dance this week. The games were fun, as always, and some games went along with the Bible Story. The paper airplanes taught a valuable lesson that no matter how hard we try, we can’t get to heaven on our own; Jesus is the only way because we will always fall short without him. I'm glad to get to know Indianola this week at Bible club Jackson; thanks again for all the help. We couldn’t have done it without y’all!

- Ben, Brooklyn, & Reggie


What an incredible week we had! We were super excited to welcome the Indianola Community Church to our ministry this week! A huge thank you to everyone involved! It was an absolute joy to have you at National and to get to know each of you. The team from Indianola was phenomenal, demonstrating amazing intentionality with the kids and passionately spreading the Gospel. The children had an unforgettable time. The team brought a well-crafted Vacation Bible School plan, perfect for the kids. Each day featured a Bible story with a unifying theme, and the engagement between the team and the kids was super special. You could see the genuine connections forming as the team members got to know the kids better and better each day. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, gospel conversations, and spontaneous, funny songs. One of the most heartwarming moments was on Friday when the impact of the week was evident. The children gathered paper from their crafts and asked each team member to sign it so they could remember them until the next visit. Another really cool thing happened this week – we were blessed by a generous community member who provided water bottles for the kids, showing their love and support for Bible Club.

Again, thank you to Indianola Community Church and everyone who made this week so special. Thank you for loving on our kids!! We look forward to many more weeks of spreading joy, love, and the Gospel at Bible Club.

“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

Matthew 18:20 NLT

- Kelsey & Olivia


POPE IS DOPE!!!!! And it really was, thanks to First Baptist of Malakoff, who joined us

at bible club this week! We hit our highest number of the summer, with a whopping 29 kids, and FBC Malakoff loved on every single one of them until the very last second. Crafts was the hit station for all of our kids this week! They made sand art on paper, paper plate fish, bracelets, and painted sun catchers to put in their windows! Bible stories also held all the attention with different lessons each day! They learned about Daniel being taken into Babylon, the Rich Young Ruler, and they were even taught the Easter story. Each of these stories had a greater meaning behind them. For example, on Monday, the kids learned about the Fall of Man, but the hidden message was to learn that we need to listen to God’s instructions. The thought that FBC Malakoff put into each lesson was phenomenal, and they were so invested in sharing the gospel with these precious kids. Even on the last day of Bible club, the kids had one-on-one time with each team member at the Bible story station and could ask any questions they wanted

to ask about the Bible. It was just a sweet moment to see that connection! Last but certainly not least, games had it going on with hula hoop relay races and the all-time favorite - Hey, Mr.Fox!! Serving with FBC Malakoff was such a blast, and they indeed left their mark on Club Pope. We can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for the rest of the summer!

- Emma & Gracie


Cornerstone Church knocked it out of the park at Guernsey this last week! We had an overall high of twenty-two kids this week, which was terrific. The team members were so involved and engaging with the kids this past week. No kid was bored at any station! This week, the team did skits for the kids as their Bible story. They did some pretty phenomenal skits that included Pharaoh and the terrible plagues, an epic battle reenactment of David and Goliath, Jesus calming the terrible storm, and Jesus’s crucifixion on the cross for our sins. The kids loved seeing these stories unfold in real-time and absorbed the stories as they were being told. At the songs station, the kids enjoyed lots of Little Sally Walker, freeze dance, hot potato, and, of course, Church Clap, a fan fave. At the epic crafts station, the kids got to use their creative abilities to create awesome frogs (to represent the plagues), a cross-stained glass page, slingshots and stones, stormy sea scenes, and cross-beaded necklaces to remember forever what Jesus did for us on that cross. At the games station, the kids enjoyed some nine square, lots of memory relays, and some other super fun games. The team lovingly taught all of the kiddos how to play nine square, and by the looks of it, it was an absolute blast for everyone. Overall, Cornerstone Church did an amazing job hanging with all the cool kids at G-Street this week.

- Ella & Ailey


Rosamond had an absolutely amazing Week 3! Thanks be to God and His handpicked missionaries from Pleasant View. The team this week brought with them an incredible array of arts and crafts like sewn and stuffed whales for swallowing Jonahs, mosaic furnaces of fire with little Radshacks and Meshachs and Abednegos, finger-painted lions that God would not allow to devour Daniel, and rain sticks for flooding the Earth. Not only did the children adore making these works of art and taking them home, but they also loved acting out the Bible stories each craft represented. When I would quiz the children at the end of each day, it was obvious that engaging with God's word on so many levels really helped the meaning of each story stick. But what I personally loved more than the incredible activities was the heartfelt intentionality with which each team member met each child. It can be difficult to describe the authentic relationships and genuine connections fostered daily. I could talk about the eye contact, the laps that were sat in, and the never-ending piggyback rides, but it would not do it justice. Just know that when there is never a child all alone, when children are excited to see their brand new friends, and when 10-year-olds are trying to learn sign language to communicate with someone they've only just met, it is obvious that God is at work. Especially when certain older boys who had yet to come this summer because "I'm too old and too cool for Bible club" wanted to come because their little siblings were raving about how much fun they were having; that's when you know that God is on the move. Pray that God keeps moving! Thanks again to Pleasant View for a phenomenal week 3. Thanks to everyone at home for supporting us in prayer. And thanks be to God, for He is good! See you next week. ;)

 - Kaden, Dory, Jae, & John


Week 3 at Kendrick was so exciting and fun-filled; serving alongside Indianola Church was an amazing privilege and we got to minister to all the kids of Kendrick. Indianola was so engaging with the children of Memphis, and there was never a dull moment. The Crafts, Songs, Games, and Bible stories they had throughout the week were so much fun, and the kids enjoyed every minute of it. In songs, they sang worship music that really involved the kids, getting them to sing and dance along; the beauty was evident, and the Lord was with us every day this week. The excitement of the kids when they were doing a scavenger hunt in games was also evident to me. Not to mention the awesome salvation bracelets and crystal clear explanation of the gospel in Bible Story. Crafts were also a beautiful thing to be a part of as they had many coloring sheets and the artistry of the kids' paper airplanes, drawings, and pretty bracelets. Overall, I was so blessed to be able to work at Kendrick with Indianola. Please remember all staff in prayers as we are headed towards the halfway mark of our summer. 

“And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.”  ‭‭Isaiah 58:12 

- Lucas

Street Reach Ministries Copyright 2022 

3275 Rosamond Ave., Memphis, TN 38122 (o) 901.324. 3022 (f) 901.327.0986