Week 8: Antioch Church Waco, Destin Methodist, Richland Baptist, Big Creek Church, Logan Elm Baptist, & Redeemer Community



Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him for His wisdom, timing, and power to save because He did that at Kado this week 8. Who could ask for a more beautiful way to end the summer than with the salvation of God's children. As several children in all age groups asked to receive Jesus into their hearts, thank you to God for drawing them near. And Thanks be to God for his wonderful missionaries whom he sent. Antioch Waco Church from Texas faithfully served Him here this week, and what a fantastic job they did. From putting hands together in smooth choreography during music to rockets and salvation bridges at crafts, to freeze tag and football at games, to the many stories from God's word - every step of the way was filled with joy and intentionality as they pursued love relationships with these children. Just as God Himself leads, I loved hearing children young and older recite days' worth of memory verses, explaining Bible stories and their meanings, and speaking candidly about how they can pray in their own lives. In a week truly filled with divine appointments, my favorite moment was hearing one little boy with the biggest smile describe praying for Jesus into his heart and then leading all of the games stations in prayer as well. Thank you again to Antioch Waco for the best final week I could ask for. And thanks be to God for allowing us to finish strong with a new record for Kado, as we had 24 children on our last day!  And last but not least, thank YOU for your prayers and support this summer. See you next year!

 - Kaden 


We are Johnson, and we know it!! The final week of Club Johnson 2024 was a great ending to an incredible summer. Everything was just amazing, from the team to the kids to even the weather. God truly blessed us.  Richland Baptist from all the way up in Washington braved the long drive and brought so much fun to club and the kids. And what a great job they did. We saw a week-high of 27 kids on Friday. The kids got to experience a true worship station featuring two guitars and a cajon drum and learn some contemporary Christian songs like "Trading My Sorrow." They also got to dance to "The Lord's Army". Over at Bible Story Station, the kids learned about some different bible heroes, including Daniel, Ester, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and the Apostles, all the while learning how they can live a life pleasing to God. To complement those stories, the kids got to make some awesome crafts. They loved making and wearing crowns and salvation bracelets, and they also made a paper megaphone and used them while singing songs. The games were so much fun, with a couple of water fun days and some soccer, sharks, and minnows. But the highlight that I absolutely loved was watching one of our older girls go up to team member after team member and give each one a big hug and say, "Guess what? Jesus loves you!" It's just so awesome seeing these kids learn that Jesus does love and care for them. And we couldn't have had this incredible week without the fantastic team from Richland Baptist. Thank you so much, guy, for a great closing week at Club Johnson. 

- Kameron


We could not have asked for a better closing week at Jackson Bible Club! God is so great! He provided us with a fantastic new team from Antioch church in Waco, Texas. It was so much fun seeing them interacting with the Bible club kids! We hit an all-summer high of 32 kids this week! They came prepared with Bible stories about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fire and Jesus calming the storm. The kids loved the wind sock crafts and the cross between two hills! We all had fun learning new songs about the king of the jungle, singing in the rain, and dancing to the Antioch church clap. For the kids and church members, soccer was a favorite this week at the game station! Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for a great week at Jackson. We were so glad to serve with you! Hope to see you all next year!

-Brooklyn, Ben, and Reggie


In Bible Story, they focused on parables. The kids' favorites were the parable of the lost coin and the lost sheep! They brought the parables to life as they played games where the kids would find what was lost, engaging them even more. Each day in Songs, they taught the kids new songs and hand motions to accompany the guitar and even had fun dance parties where the kids could be silly! They loved the hand motions to “This Little Light of Mine,” and some kids used their creativity to add to the motions they were being taught. Then, in Crafts, they did all sorts of fun projects! One day, they made little purses, put a coin in them to connect with the lost coin parable, and used Mod Podge on seashells to communicate with the pearl parable. It was special using seashells because Destin brought the beach to Memphis! At the Games, they played soccer, and on Thursday, they had a super fun water day (both at the Games and when the rain came). The “little blessing from the sky” gave them so much joy and laughter! The team ensured the kids had a great time despite the weather. It was the best!

Again, thank you so much for a fantastic last week that we will all remember! We praise God for a fantastic summer and are so grateful to know and love every one of our Bible Club kiddos. Please keep them in your prayers for the school year ahead!

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Galatians 5:13-14 ESV

 - Olivia & Kelsey

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